I am in the middle of building a new website; I have much more on offer than what this old website outlines! To enquire as to how I can be of service, please contact me on 07951 322632 and pohengtao@gmail.com for details of upcoming courses in Tajiwuxigong and Somatic Dance. I’m currently working in and around Swansea and Carmarthen. Limited up-to-date information is available on this site, please click on the relevant tabs to find out more.


Poh-Eng is a recognised Buqi, Taijiwuxigong and Taiji 37 teacher from the Buqi Institute and by the late Dr. Shen Hongxun (founder of buqi and taijiwuxigong). Poh-Eng has refined her energy healing skills for 20 years and was taught by its founder Dr. Shen Hongxun, a Taiji Grandmaster and Buddhist Lama.

Running retreats in TWG with chi movement in the land. Since the 1990’s Poh-Eng has studied periodically with Helen Poynor’s Walk of Life and completed her Continuation Year in 2015. This led her to currently study a part- time MA in dance and Somatic Wellbeing at The University of Central Lancashire.

Currently invited to work as a performer and collaborator in “Traces of Tissues  with Charlotte Ostergaard http://www.charlotteostergaardcopenhagen.dk and Sally Deane http://www.sallyedean.com Somatic Skinner Release Teacher and Somatic Costume director in the PQ Design Festival in Prague in June 2019.

Always interested in collaborating with artists from other disciplines, please get in touch if you feel you could work well together to create something wonderful.

Poh-Eng takes pride in taking the time to understand what each client needs in order to reach wellness. That’s why so many of her clients become regulars, and continue to grow and expand year after year.